Transforming Lives: The Impact of Lutheran Schools on Your Child's Education

Lutheran schools are not just about academic excellence but also about nurturing your child's spiritual growth by integrating the Lutheran faith across all subjects and fostering Gospel-centered relationships. This approach helps students recognize their value in God's eyes, understanding the significance of Christ's sacrifices for them and what it means to be called by the Holy Spirit.

With Lutheran schools, your child gets more than just after-school care; they become part of a legacy that values Christian education, aiming for both academic growth and a deeper understanding of the Lutheran faith. By choosing a Lutheran school, you're not just looking for "Lutheran schools near me" but are investing in a comprehensive educational journey that schedules a tour through a curriculum designed to uplift Christ and promote universal education principles established since Luther's reformation.

A Holistic Approach to Education

At Our Savior, our approach to education is deeply rooted in a holistic philosophy that sees each student as a unique individual, capable of growth in all areas of life. This educational journey is meticulously designed to foster development in four key areas:

  • Physical Development: Encouraging active participation in sports and physical education to build a healthy body.
  • Academic Growth: Pursuing excellence through a curriculum that meets or exceeds state and national standards, supported by educators with a specific focus on Lutheran education.
  • Spiritual Formation: Integrating faith into all subjects, providing daily devotionals and prayer, and fostering a deep understanding of the Bible and Lutheran faith.
  • Social and Emotional Learning: Emphasizing character development through teachings on honesty, kindness, and compassion, and creating a supportive community where students learn to serve others.

This comprehensive approach ensures that students not only achieve academic success but also develop a strong moral compass, a deep sense of community, and a personal relationship with God. Teachers, embodying Christian values, serve as role models, guiding students on how to apply these principles in daily life. The ultimate goal of a Lutheran education is to prepare students for a life of purpose, grounded in faith and equipped with a broad spectrum of skills and knowledge. Through this holistic framework, students are encouraged to explore their talents, pursue their passions, and contribute positively to the world around them, all while maintaining a strong foundation in their Lutheran-Christian faith.

Character and Community Building

Character and community building are integral to the educational experience at Our Savior, weaving together a fabric of support, learning, and spiritual growth that extends beyond the classroom walls.

  • Community Involvement and Support:
    • Worship opportunities and active parent-teacher organizations foster a sense of belonging and shared purpose.
    • Clubs, athletics, and enrichment programs offer diverse avenues for students to explore interests, develop talents, and build lasting friendships.
  • Impact on Students and Community:
    • Smaller class sizes enhance interaction and relationship building among students and between students and teachers, fostering open communication and collaborative efforts with parents.
    • Spiritual formation activities deepen students' faith and relationship with God, integrating faith across the curriculum and leading to significant life events like baptisms and increased church involvement.

Small Class Sizes and Personalized Attention

At Our Savior Lutheran School, the commitment to small class sizes and personalized attention is a cornerstone of the educational experience, ensuring that each student's academic and spiritual needs are met with care and precision. Here's how this approach transforms learning:

  • Customized Instruction: With class sizes often less than 20 students, educators can offer more tailored instruction, adapting lessons to fit the diverse learning styles and interests of their students. This level of customization enhances academic growth and engagement in the classroom.
  • Enhanced Teacher-Student Communication: Smaller classes foster an environment where students feel comfortable voicing questions and opinions, leading to richer classroom discussions and a deeper understanding of the material. Teachers have the bandwidth to provide thorough assessments and personalized feedback, helping students grasp complex concepts more effectively.
  • Opportunities for Hands-on Learning: The intimate setting of smaller classes allows for more practical, hands-on activities. Students can dive into projects and experiments that make learning lively and interactive, encouraging a lifelong love for learning. This approach not only supports academic excellence but also nurtures a sense of curiosity and exploration.

By prioritizing small class sizes, Our Savior create a nurturing environment where students receive the attention they deserve, leading to significant improvements in academic performance, teacher satisfaction, and student well-being.

A Legacy of Excellence in Education

Lutheran schools have long been recognized for their commitment to a legacy of educational excellence, deeply rooted in the values of the Lutheran faith and a classical approach to learning. Catering to students from preschool to 8th grade, Our Savior not only meets but often exceeds state and national academic standards. This is achieved through a curriculum enriched with fine arts, extended care, and various enrichment programs, ensuring a well-rounded education.

Lutheran schools not only provide an environment for academic excellence but also foster spiritual growth and character development, making them a unique choice for parents seeking a comprehensive education for their children. Through the support of organizations like the Lutheran Education Association (LEA) and the CCLE, Lutheran schools continue to adapt and thrive, ensuring their legacy of excellence in education endures for generations to come.


Throughout the article, we explored the numerous benefits that Lutheran schools such as Our Savior Lutheran School offer, from their commitment to academic excellence and spiritual growth to their holistic approach to education, which includes the nurturing of physical, academic, spiritual, and social-emotional development. The unique environment of Lutheran schools, characterized by small class sizes and personalized attention, fosters not only a profound understanding of the Lutheran faith but also encourages a life of purpose and service grounded in Christian values. This setting ensures that every student receives comprehensive care and support, enabling them to thrive in all aspects of their development.

Our Savior stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of a faith-informed educational experience that equips students with the tools necessary to navigate life’s challenges with grace and integrity. We strive to serve as beacons of light in the communities, promoting a legacy of excellence in education that is both inclusive and reflective of classical educational values. For families considering this option for their children, taking the next step to fully appreciate the Our Savior Lutheran School experience in person can be transformative. To see firsthand the environment where your child can grow and flourish, we encourage you to schedule a tour at your earliest convenience. This action could pave the way for an educational journey filled with academic achievement, spiritual depth, and a strong sense of community.


What makes Lutheran education significant?

Lutheran education is significant because it serves a greater purpose that goes beyond standard academic teaching. It provides students and their families with knowledge of God's Word as found in the Bible, emphasizing that Jesus is their Savior. Additionally, it imparts the core principles of the Christian faith as delineated in Luther's Small Catechism, ensuring a well-rounded spiritual and educational experience.

In what ways did Martin Luther influence the field of education?

Martin Luther was a pivotal figure in the history of education, advocating for its accessibility to all children, regardless of gender, and not just to the privileged few. In 1524, he stressed the importance of education in a letter to Jacob Strauss, warning that its neglect could severely damage the spread of the Gospel. Luther's vision was that education should be inclusive and serve the broader community.

Can you describe the educational philosophy of Lutheran schools?

The philosophy of Lutheran schools is rooted in an understanding of people and life from a Christian perspective. Lutherans hold that Christian education allows God's Spirit to actively engage with the community, guiding children and families towards a deeper faith and trust in God. In Lutheran schools, each student is recognized as a unique individual created by God, with a focus on nurturing their spiritual and personal development.

As parents and educators, we all want the best for our children. We want to provide them with a well-rounded education that not only prepares them academically but also nurtures their hearts and minds. One way to do this is by integrating faith into their everyday learning. In this article, we will explore the importance of faith-based education, the benefits of integrating faith into everyday learning, and practical ways to incorporate faith into academic subjects. We will also discuss how faith-based education can teach values and morals, provide resources for parents and educators, create a faith-based learning environment at home, and nurture spirituality and emotional well-being in children. Additionally, we will explore faith-based extracurricular activities for children and the impact of faith-based schools on children's development. By the end of this article, you will have a deeper understanding of how to integrate faith into your child's everyday learning and the positive impact it can have on their overall development.

The Importance of Faith-Based Education

Faith-based education goes beyond teaching academic subjects. It recognizes the importance of nurturing children's spiritual and moral development. By incorporating faith into their everyday learning, children are provided with a strong foundation that guides their actions and decisions throughout their lives. Faith-based education instills values such as compassion, honesty, and respect, which are essential for building strong character.

Moreover, faith-based education creates a sense of community and belonging. It brings together like-minded individuals who share common values and beliefs. This sense of belonging fosters a supportive and nurturing environment where children can grow and thrive. Through faith-based education, children not only gain knowledge but also develop a strong sense of identity and purpose.

Benefits of Integrating Faith into Everyday Learning

Integrating faith into everyday learning offers numerous benefits for children. First and foremost, it helps them develop a deeper understanding of their faith and its relevance to their lives. By connecting their faith to academic subjects, children can see how it applies to real-world situations, making their learning more meaningful and impactful.

Additionally, integrating faith into everyday learning promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It encourages children to analyze situations from a moral and ethical standpoint, considering the values and principles taught through their faith. This type of thinking helps children develop a strong moral compass and make wise decisions in various aspects of their lives.

Furthermore, integrating faith into everyday learning fosters a sense of purpose and meaning. It helps children understand that their education is not solely about gaining knowledge but also about using that knowledge to make a positive difference in the world. This sense of purpose motivates children to strive for excellence and empowers them to contribute to their communities.

How to Incorporate Faith into Academic Subjects

Integrating faith into academic subjects can be done in a variety of ways. One approach is to incorporate relevant scripture passages or stories into lessons. For example, when teaching history, you can explore the impact of faith on historical events or highlight individuals who were guided by their faith in their actions. This helps children see the connection between faith and the world around them.

Another way to integrate faith into academic subjects is by discussing ethical dilemmas and encouraging children to apply their faith-based values when analyzing and resolving those dilemmas. This approach encourages critical thinking and helps children understand the practical application of their faith in everyday life.

Furthermore, you can incorporate faith into art, music, and literature by exploring religious themes and works inspired by faith. This allows children to appreciate the beauty and creativity that can arise from a strong faith foundation.

By incorporating faith into academic subjects, children not only gain knowledge but also develop a holistic understanding of how their faith intersects with various aspects of their lives.

Teaching Values and Morals Through Faith-Based Education

Faith-based education provides a unique opportunity to teach values and morals to children. It helps them understand that there are universal principles and truths that guide human behavior. By integrating faith into everyday learning, children learn to navigate moral dilemmas and make decisions based on their faith-based values.

One way to teach values and morals through faith-based education is by discussing real-life scenarios and encouraging children to analyze them from a moral standpoint. For example, when reading a book or watching a movie, you can initiate discussions about the characters' actions and ask children to reflect on whether those actions align with their faith-based values.

Additionally, faith-based education emphasizes the importance of service and giving back to the community. By engaging children in volunteer work or community service projects, they learn firsthand the value of compassion, kindness, and selflessness.

Through faith-based education, children not only learn academic subjects but also develop a strong moral compass that guides their actions and decisions, preparing them to become responsible and ethical individuals.

Faith-Based Resources for Parents and Educators

Parents and educators play a crucial role in nurturing the faith development of children. Fortunately, there are abundant faith-based resources available to support them in this endeavor. From books and websites to workshops and conferences, these resources provide guidance and inspiration for integrating faith into everyday learning.

One valuable resource for parents and educators is Our Savior Lutheran School. They offer a comprehensive faith-based curriculum that integrates Christian values into all academic subjects. Their experienced teachers provide a nurturing environment where children can grow both academically and spiritually. Contact or visit Our Savior Lutheran School to learn more about their faith-based education program.

Moreover, there are numerous books and websites available that provide lesson plans, activities, and resources for integrating faith into academic subjects. These resources cater to different age groups and cover various subjects, making it easier for parents and educators to incorporate faith into everyday learning.

Additionally, attending workshops and conferences focused on faith-based education can provide valuable insights and strategies for integrating faith into everyday learning. These events often feature experienced speakers who share their expertise and practical tips for nurturing children's faith development.

By utilizing these resources, parents and educators can enhance their ability to integrate faith into everyday learning and create a nurturing environment for children to grow spiritually and academically.

Creating a Faith-Based Learning Environment at Home

In addition to integrating faith into academic subjects, it is essential to create a faith-based learning environment at home. This ensures that children have a consistent experience of faith-based education both at school and in their everyday lives.

One way to create a faith-based learning environment at home is by incorporating regular family devotions or prayer time. This can be done either in the morning before starting the day or in the evening before bedtime. By gathering as a family to pray or read scripture, children develop a habit of connecting with their faith on a daily basis.

Another way to create a faith-based learning environment at home is by displaying religious artwork or symbols that are meaningful to your family. This serves as a constant reminder of your faith and can spark discussions about its significance.

Furthermore, reading faith-based literature or watching educational videos that teach moral lessons can be a valuable addition to your home learning environment. These resources can reinforce the values and morals taught through faith-based education and provide children with additional opportunities to connect their faith to their everyday lives.

By creating a faith-based learning environment at home, parents can ensure that their children receive a consistent and holistic faith-based education that nurtures their hearts and minds.

Nurturing Spirituality and Emotional Well-Being in Children

In addition to academic and moral development, faith-based education also focuses on nurturing children's spirituality and emotional well-being. It recognizes the importance of addressing the holistic needs of children and providing them with the tools to navigate their emotions and develop a strong spiritual foundation.

One way to nurture spirituality and emotional well-being in children is by teaching them mindfulness and meditation techniques. These practices help children develop self-awareness, manage stress, and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

Additionally, engaging children in discussions about their faith and encouraging them to ask questions and explore their beliefs fosters a deeper spiritual connection. This not only strengthens their faith but also helps them develop critical thinking skills and a sense of curiosity about the world around them.

Furthermore, providing children with opportunities for reflection and journaling can be beneficial for their emotional well-being. By encouraging them to express their thoughts and feelings in a safe and non-judgmental environment, children learn to process their emotions and develop emotional resilience.

By nurturing spirituality and emotional well-being in children, faith-based education prepares them to navigate the challenges of life with grace and resilience.

Faith-Based Extracurricular Activities for Children

In addition to integrating faith into academic subjects, it is important to provide children with faith-based extracurricular activities. These activities offer a unique opportunity for children to further explore and deepen their faith in a fun and engaging way.

One popular faith-based extracurricular activity is joining a religious youth group or club. These groups provide a supportive community where children can connect with peers who share their faith and engage in meaningful discussions and activities.

Additionally, participating in community service projects with a faith-based focus allows children to put their faith into action. By serving others and making a positive impact on their communities, children learn firsthand the importance of compassion and selflessness.

Furthermore, attending faith-based summer camps or retreats can be a transformative experience for children. These camps often offer a wide range of activities, including worship, Bible study, and outdoor adventures, providing a holistic faith-based experience.

By engaging in faith-based extracurricular activities, children not only deepen their faith but also develop lifelong friendships and create lasting memories.

Faith-Based Schools and Their Impact on Children's Development

Faith-based schools play a crucial role in shaping children's development. They provide a comprehensive faith-based education that integrates academic subjects with spiritual and moral development.

One of the key benefits of faith-based schools is the nurturing and supportive environment they create. By bringing together like-minded individuals who share common values and beliefs, faith-based schools foster a sense of belonging and community. This sense of community is instrumental in developing children's social and emotional well-being.

Moreover, faith-based schools often have smaller class sizes, allowing for more individualized attention and support. This personalized approach to education ensures that children's unique needs are met and that they receive the necessary guidance and encouragement to thrive academically and spiritually.

Furthermore, faith-based schools typically have a strong emphasis on character education. They prioritize teaching values and morals, instilling virtues such as kindness, integrity, and respect. By integrating faith into their everyday learning, children develop a strong moral compass and learn to make decisions based on their faith-based values.

In conclusion, integrating faith into your child's everyday learning is a powerful way to nurture their hearts and minds. Through faith-based education, children develop a deeper understanding of their faith, gain valuable life skills, and cultivate a strong moral compass. By incorporating faith into academic subjects, teaching values and morals, creating a faith-based learning environment at home, and providing faith-based extracurricular activities, parents and educators can create a holistic and well-rounded education for their children. Additionally, faith-based schools play a vital role in shaping children's development by providing a nurturing and supportive environment that integrates faith, academics, and character education. By embracing faith-based education, we can empower our children to become compassionate, responsible, and resilient individuals who make a positive difference in the world. Contact or visit Our Savior Lutheran School to learn more about their faith-based education program and how it can benefit your child's overall development.

In the heart of every Christian home lies the opportunity to weave faith into the fabric of daily life, especially in the realm of education. Our Savior Lutheran School, standing at the intersection of academic excellence and spiritual growth, understands the critical role parents play in this endeavor. As primary educators in both the academic and spiritual realms, parents have a unique opportunity to partner with the school in nurturing a faith-filled environment for their children. This blog post explores effective Christian-based strategies for parental engagement in education, highlighting how faith and learning can be integrated seamlessly into the home environment. Drawing upon insights from recent research and Biblical principles, we aim to offer practical guidance for parents striving to reinforce the values taught at school and deepen their family's faith journey.

1. The Role of Parents in Christian Education:

Parents are pivotal in introducing their children to Christianity, teaching them about the Bible, Jesus' life, and the importance of prayer from an early age. This foundational role underscores the parents' responsibility as the primary educators in their children's lives, especially in their formative years. The collaboration between home and school is essential in reinforcing faith-based values, making education a partnership that extends beyond academic learning to include spiritual growth and character development​.

2. Strengthening Family Faith:

Research highlights the significant influence parents have on their children's religious and spiritual outcomes. This influence extends through authentic living, modeling faith, involvement in church life, and fostering close and warm relationships. Such authentic examples are crucial for children to absorb and embrace their family's faith, almost unconsciously. Strategies to strengthen family faith include engaging in daily religious practices at home, modeling faith through actions rather than just words, and creating an environment where faith is discussed openly and integrated into everyday life​.

3. Practical Strategies for Home-Based Faith Formation:

Some of the most impactful practices include reading the Bible as a family, praying together, serving others as a family activity, having meals together, and discussing faith openly. These activities not only nurture faith but also foster a sense of unity, support, and bonding within the family. The emphasis is on making faith a lived experience, with parents serving as role models through their own practice of faith​.

4. Parental Engagement in Adolescent Challenges:

Addressing the challenges of adolescence from a Christian perspective involves guiding teens through social, emotional, and spiritual complexities. This includes navigating dating, managing finances, and preparing for life after school. For instance, teaching teens to manage their time effectively, inspired by how Jesus lived with purpose and calm, can be a powerful lesson in balancing school responsibilities with personal and spiritual growth. Practical advice for parents includes encouraging budgeting, involving teens in family financial planning, and assisting them in setting and achieving both short and long-term goals​/.

The journey of integrating faith with education is a collaborative effort that extends beyond the classroom walls into the heart of every Christian home. Our exploration of effective Christian-based strategies for parental engagement has revealed the profound impact parents can have on their children's spiritual and academic development. By adopting practices such as family Bible readings, prayer, service projects, and open discussions about faith, parents can create a nurturing environment where faith and learning flourish together. As Our Savior Lutheran School continues to partner with parents in this sacred task, we are reminded of the promise found in Proverbs 22:6, to "train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Let us, therefore, embrace our role with dedication and love, ensuring that our children's education is deeply rooted in the Christian faith, preparing them for a life of service and devotion to God's teachings. Together, we can foster a community of learners who are not only academically equipped but also spiritually prepared to navigate the challenges of life with faith and wisdom.

Admissions Online: A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying

Welcome to Our Savior Lutheran School! We are thrilled that you are considering joining our community. Here is a simple guide to help you navigate through our online admissions process that can be found here. Please click the link to start the process in a new tab. You can leave this open and follow aloing our step-by-step guide. You can also click the step 1 link below to create your account to get started.

Step 1: Create an Account

Begin your journey by clicking on the "Create an Account" tab at the top of our admissions page. You'll need to set up a login, create a password, and verify your email. Don’t worry about losing your progress; our system will automatically save your data.

Step 2: Start Your Application

Our user-friendly application allows you to log in and out at your convenience. A green check mark will appear next to each section once it's complete.

Step 3: Review, Submit & Pay the Fee

After filling in all required fields, select "Review & Submit." Then, you will be prompted to pay the $30 application fee.

Step 4: Submit Required Documents

Ensure you have all the necessary documents ready:

    • Past Report Card
    • Standardized Test Scores
    • IEP/504 Plans (if applicable)
    • VPK Certificate
    • Financial Aid Award Letter

Need more information? Click HERE to reach out to us.

OSLS Admissions Policy

For Preschool Admissions:

    1. Age Requirement: Must be the age of the corresponding grade by September
    2. Application: Complete the online form and attach:
    • Certificate of Birth
    • Florida School Entry Health Form (DH 3040)
    • Florida Certificate of Immunization (DH 680)
    1. Application Fee: A $30 fee is required.
    2. Campus Tour and Interviews: Schedule a tour and attend a 20-minute “Meet & Greet” for preschoolers, followed by an Enrollment Interview.

For Kindergarten - 8th Grade Admissions

    1. Age Requirement: Must be the age of the corresponding grade by September 1st.
    2. Application: Complete the online form and attach the required documents.
    3. Application Fee: A $30 fee is required.
    4. Campus Tour and Assessments: Schedule a tour, an Enrollment Interview, and a Student Academic Assessment. Shadow Days are available.

Enrollment Timeline

We accept new students for the current school year until the end of the First Quarter, subject to space availability and admissions criteria. Enrollment for the next academic year starts in January for current students and February for new ones.

We are excited about the prospect of having you and your child become a part of Our Savior Lutheran School. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our admissions office.

Sincerely, Our Savior Lutheran School Admissions Team


Welcome to a journey of enlightenment where we explore the importance of Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity in Lutheran Education. In today's multicultural world, fostering an inclusive environment is not just a choice; it's a necessity. We'll delve into the significance of embracing diversity in Lutheran schools, share personal insights, and provide valuable information on this vital topic.

Embracing Diversity: The Cornerstone of Lutheran Education

The Essence of Inclusive Education

In the modern educational landscape, promoting inclusivity and diversity is not merely a trend but a foundational principle. It signifies an open, welcoming, and accepting environment where students, teachers, and staff from various backgrounds come together to learn and grow.

Nurturing a Culture of Acceptance

Creating a culture of acceptance begins with acknowledging and respecting differences. It's about ensuring that every student feels valued, regardless of their ethnicity, race, gender, or abilities.

Benefits of Diversity in Lutheran Schools

    1. Enhanced Learning Experiences: Diverse classrooms offer a rich tapestry of perspectives, leading to more profound discussions and broader horizons.
    2. Cultural Awareness: Exposure to different cultures fosters empathy and prepares students for a globalized world.
    3. Reduced Bias: An inclusive environment challenges stereotypes and prejudices, fostering a more equitable society.

Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity in Lutheran Education

Inclusive Curriculum Development

Developing an inclusive curriculum involves selecting materials and teaching methods that cater to diverse learning styles and abilities. This ensures that every student has equal access to quality education.

Teacher Training and Sensitization

Teachers play a pivotal role in promoting inclusivity. Ongoing training and sensitization programs empower educators to create inclusive classrooms where every student can thrive.

Student Engagement and Support

Lutheran schools should actively engage students in promoting inclusivity and diversity. Student-led initiatives, clubs, and support networks can make a significant impact.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How can Lutheran schools ensure that diversity is not just on the surface but deeply ingrained?

A: To embed diversity deeply, Lutheran schools should incorporate diverse perspectives into the curriculum, involve students in decision-making, and foster an inclusive culture.

Q: Are there any statistics to support the benefits of diversity in education?

A: Indeed, research shows that diverse classrooms lead to better problem-solving, increased creativity, and improved academic outcomes.

Q: Can parents get involved in promoting inclusivity and diversity?

A: Absolutely! Parental involvement is crucial. Parents can support school initiatives, encourage open conversations about diversity at home, and volunteer their time.

Q: What steps can schools take to address instances of discrimination or bias? A: Schools should have clear anti-discrimination policies in place, offer sensitivity training, and create safe spaces for students to report incidents.

Q: How can Lutheran schools ensure that students with disabilities are fully included? A: Lutheran schools should provide accessible facilities, personalized support, and ensure that teachers are trained in inclusive teaching methods.

Q: Is promoting inclusivity and diversity in Lutheran education aligned with Christian values? A: Absolutely. Embracing diversity reflects Christian values of love, acceptance, and compassion.


Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity in Lutheran Education is not just a noble goal; it's a necessary one. As we've explored in this article, the benefits are numerous, from enriched learning experiences to a more inclusive society. It's a path that Lutheran schools must embrace, not just for the present but for the future, where unity in diversity is the key to success.

As followers of the Lutheran faith, there are a lot of things that we are called to do. We’re expected to be pious and devout in our relationship with Christ. When the sermon on the mound was given, we were asked to be peacemakers and promised that the meek would inherit the earth. In this modern day and age, the temptations of sin and vice are almost inescapable. In an age where social media has become a daily occurrence in our lives, it’s more important than ever that we stay strong and strive to maintain our steadfast devotion to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

How can we do this? Well, it’s unhealthy to lock ourselves and our children away from the world and hope that the temptations of sin would all of a sudden be absent from our existence. We have to live in the material world, but we have the opportunity to walk in the spiritual one and embrace his message to its fullest potential.

How do we do this? Especially with a world that seems to be descending into abject materialism and apathy? It’s simple. We must become more acquainted with our bible. The family is a sacred institution of the Lutheran faith, and the word of God is one of the best ways to strengthen its morality and virtue and grow stronger in its relationship with Christ. When Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation, one of his main objectives was to have the scriptures translated from Latin into German. He felt that the teachings should be accessible to all people and not just a select few. Since then, the bible has been translated into a variety of languages, which allows us to go out into the world and become “fishers of men.”

While the world has changed around us, his teachings have remained consistent. Having a family bible study is a wonderful way to strengthen the relationship that you all share with one another and grow closer as a family with Christ. It’s one of the best ways to see that his teachings still apply to our lives today. This is an education that your children will benefit from for years to come.

Our Savior Lutheran Church and School

If you’re looking for a light in the darkness that binds our world or just want to partake in fellowship with fellow believers, we’re here. You can find more information by visiting our website, but we’d love to meet you in person! You can find us located at 301 58th St South in St. Petersburg or you can give us a call at 727-344-2684.

A wise man once said that idle hands are like the devil’s workshop. And this is certainly true when it comes to the mind as well. When our children are in school and at church, their minds are constantly growing and developing thanks to important lessons and information that’s being presented to them. Each Sunday, they receive lessons that draw them closer to Christ and his teachings and strengthen their relationship with him.

Children have the tendency to wander from the virtues that we, as Lutheran parents, are responsible for instilling in them. Children get restless easily and can succumb to boredom. Today, we’ll be discussing how you can prevent this and set a better example for them to follow.

Healthy Thoughts to Dwell On

One of the major concerns for many Lutheran parents is the amount of media out there that panders to idiocy and promotes violent and transgressive thoughts. Allow your children to explore worlds that have strong moral virtues, such as the writings of CS Lewis. Their minds will be able to see the allegory between Aslan, the lion, and Christ. This will teach them about the differences between good and evil from an early age.

Observations and Inferences

These two skills are well known to any scientist who spends time in a laboratory. Something that’s missing from many school curriculum's is the capacity to teach critical thinking. Talk to your child about how Christ’s teachings can be adapted to the modern world. This will train their young minds to be observant and draw connections between the physical world and the spiritual one.

Encourage Creativity

One of the most rewarding aspects of the Lutheran faith is our relationship with God, the creator. To strengthen your child's bond, encourage them to be creative this summer. Whether it’s something like an arts and crafts project, or something a little more advanced, this will allow your child's mind to grow in a positive direction.

Our Savior Lutheran Church and School

The world can be a scary place for adults as well as children. However, a strong relationship with Christ is one thing that we can build a foundation upon and put our trust in. At Our Savior Lutheran Church, we always have our doors open and our hearts ready. We welcome you to visit us at 301 58th Street St in St. Petersburg.

If there’s one phrase that can effectively sum up the importance of the Lutheran faith, it’s “lead by example.” Now, there’s much more to being a devout Lutheran than simply attesting to believing in God and his son, Jesus Christ. In an age where more and more people have strayed away from the doctrines and values preached in the gospel, it’s more important than ever that we follow the example set by Christ when he called upon us to be fishers of men and a beacon of light and hope in a world that seems to become more perpetually dark with each passing year. How do we do this? Well, we must believe in living a life led by faith and not by sight and set an example for others.

The Presence of Absence

If there’s one major flaw in our world that we all fall prey to, it’s superficiality. All too often, we engage in hypocrisy, putting our faith on the back burner. The presence of an absent faith and devotion is something we’re seeing all too often. This means neglecting to attend services, not following the teachings of the gospel, and falling prey to the shallow trappings of materialism that dominate the society we live in. The flesh is temporary, and by spending more time obsessing over it, we lose touch with the message of Christ and what he expects from us as his children.

Hiding Behind a Mask of Falsehoods

The superficiality many have chosen to hide behind is becoming increasingly apparent. It amounts to doing one thing but saying another. We put on the mask when we’re around our brothers and sisters in Christ, but so many are guilty of dropping this facade when we’re among others on our own time. This is equivalent to the wicked tree bearing spoiled fruit and the serpent in the garden who offered even the apple through deception. No matter how good these people might be at fooling those around them, Christ sees through this mask. By living our lives through his teachings and allowing them to permeate the entire scope of our existence, we have a chance for a more rewarding life in his kingdom.

Our Savior Lutheran Church and School

No matter how far you’ve strayed from the path, there are always hopes of reconciliation and redemption. If you’re ready to grow in our Lord and Savior's teachings, we’d love to see you. We welcome you to come visit us in St. Pete at 301 58th Street South.

As we go about with our busy day, we sometimes lose track of the important matters that make our relationship with Christ fulfilling. One thing that we all should be doing more of is spending time in God’s word, and the best way to do this and engulf ourselves in his wisdom is by reading the Bible. His wisdom is right there for us to benefit from, and by reading the word, we can experience it firsthand and have our lives enriched by it.

A Call to the World

Seeing the pain and hurt that the world is in, we feel that Christ calls us to take action and do our part to be the change we want to see. And this is why we have outreach programs that are meant to help the community that we call home and missions that take the gospel to the four corners of the globe to heal those who are hurting and need a helping hand.